Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year 2010

Wow! Has it really been so long since I've been here? Life got very, very busy. I'm excited about all the changes though, so let me fill you in.

I know you are all wondering where my Twitter following is at... you weren't? Hey, me neither! I've gotten too busy to even give it any thought. But just so you know I'm only a couple of peeps away from 600 followers.

Writing? I haven't had any time for that.

What have I been doing you ask? November 6th I started training for a job as a Customer Service rep for Carnival Cruise Lines. It was a very intense course and consumed all of my time until December 23rd when it finished. Then of course it was time to get ready for Christmas, all of the family was out here Christmas Eve for a big dinner, Christmas Day spent with friends (another big dinner), and activities galore, up until today... New Years Day, 2010.

I promised myself if I made it through the Carnival class I wouldn't take another class... ever! It really did stretch me. But next Tuesday I start another class with Carnival to train for Direct Guest Sales, which is the job I really have wanted ever since I started working from home. If I do well I can make much more money, work many less hours, and maybe, just maybe have time to get my book finished.

I've had a couple more riding lessons. I went for a 3 hour ride with my friend one day, and most recently we rode for about 4 hours at a place called Denman, which she described as magical and I found out, after riding there, it really is. I'm getting much more comfortable on the horse and I've got my signals down now so I'm not sending her conflicting messages... she still messes with me though.

I see I have a new follower. Welcome to my world Erick, I hope you enjoy your visit.

I'll try and get back sooner next time. I'm very excited about my transition to Carnival and will be working hard on that until it becomes more natural for me. Hope to get my book finished in 2010. Want to learn to ride well enough to enter some competitions this year.

I want to wish everyone a Very Happy New Year and hope that it's filled with blessings from above, poured into your life and overflowing, falling onto all those around you. God is Good! All the time!

1 comment:

  1. Love your goals for this new year. Especially the riding lessons and entering competitions-cool! Will look forward to reading your book!
    Love Susette
